
Comprehensive eye exams
It all begins with a comprehensive eye examination. This includes an accurate refraction to determine your glasses or contact lens prescription as well as examination of the health and functionality of the whole visual system.

Optomap California
Think of your eyes as windows to your health. Eye Doctors are often the first to diagnose patients with a variety of conditions that affect the whole body, like diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and even tumors.
In 2016, Optix Optometry introduced the Optomap Daytona ultra-widefield camera. We upgraded to the newer Optomap California ultra-widefield camera in 2020. The Optomap retinal exam uses two scanning lasers to image nearly the entire retina without pupil dilation. We scan every patient for a more thorough eye exam. Best of all, it's quick and painless.

Marco TRS-5100 & TRS-6100 refraction system
Optix Optometry has five Marco TRS-5100 or TRS-6100 automated refraction systems and computerized eye charts to their office to improve prescription accuracy, exam efficiency and patient flow through the office.
Our state of the art equipment analyzes your prescription and measures the strength of your current glasses. All of this data is automatically transferred into the Marco refraction system in the exam room, allowing your Doctor to glide through the refraction process. At the end of the refraction, everything is automatically transferred into our electronic medical records software without any data entry or transcription errors.
Because of the more efficient process, our patients find they experience less guessing, less eye fatigue and watering while also getting a more accurate prescription. It's just quicker and easier.

Eye infections and injuries
We will do our best to work in any appointments for acute eye infections or injuries.
Our doctors are also on call 24 hours each day for existing patients - just call our main office phone number and you will be instructed on how to reach one of them.

Diabetic eye care
Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people between the ages of 20 to 74. Fortunately, blindness can be prevented. All patients with diabetes should have a thorough eye examination by an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist annually.
Our doctors can monitor your ocular health for diabetic changes. If necessary, they can refer you on to a retinal specialist for treatment should you ever develop diabetic eye disease.

Cataract management
If we all live long enough, we'll all likely develop a cataract. Although they are more common later in life, they can happen to people of any age. Family history, trauma, certain medications and ultraviolet light exposure can all contribute to the formation of cataracts.
Drs. Steve and Stacey Beck are able to evaluate your cataracts, and can also refer you on to an outstanding Ophthalmologist when the time comes for surgery.

Dry eye management
Dry eyes affect one out of every 6 people and it gets worse as we age. Symptoms include burning, stinging, watering, and even blurred vision. Several newer artificial tear formulations can help, but there are a few medical treatments such as intense pulsed light and punctal occlusion that can be extremely helpful to reduce dry eye symptoms.

Second opinions
The importance of an honest and impartial second opinion is rarely utilized.
We are more than happy to evaluate any condition of the eye and make appropriate treatment recommendations.

Optovue Avanti with AngioVue OCT
There are several diseases or disorders of the eye and/or visual system that can affect visual performance. From many different forms of glaucoma to subclinical diabetic retinal or macular diseases, all of these can be rather difficult to diagnose and monitor over time.
Optix Optometry upgraded from the Zeiss Cirrus OCT to the Optovue Avanti with AngioVue in December 2019 to give our doctors the latest equipment to aid in early detection of such conditions. We can even perform non-invasive angiographic studies of the retina. It's a simple test to perform and provides instant results. The OCT also helps reduce unnecessary referrals to retinal specialists.

Glaucoma diagnosis and management
Glaucoma causes a gradual loss of peripheral vision or central vision. Because it typically affects side vision first, patients don't usually notice any problems until it's almost too late.
Annual comprehensive eye examinations can help detect glaucoma before it's too late. Diagnosis is aided by our Optovue Avanti OCT. If diagnosed, it is usually treatable with eye drops and progression can be monitored with our Oculus EasyField visual field unit. Most visual fields can be obtained in less than 3 minutes per eye. The EasyField also assists our doctors in diagnosis and management of neurological disorders.